Performance analysis solution
to the mass interest, whenever for any traditional methods of performance analysis there should be some part of finding right method to build load on the application and then there’s the analysis part of it.
If you coming from quite a good coding background, scripting with performance tools are mostly cake walk. But is it really the scripting for that makes an application performance analysis worth it. Don’t think so.
So what are the features that can be done from a coding persona to make performance analysis interesting, other than having a playground to do the analysis, finding the bottlenecks, serving recommendations and fine tuning applications.
Whenever you do a search on solution to deploy for application performance analysis, there’s market leading licensed solutions. Brings on a feature loaded solution, making it the best choice. But the best choices comes up with burning cost of license and maintenance.
What we lag in this space’s a solution in open source platform. Community edition of the same can be made available in the market , which can further be customizable.
From this POV, we developed a solution which can automate major perspectives for performance analysis. Web based solution can be utilised to automate performance test lab(where virtual user actions will be simulated) & perform test executions with identified set of parameters. From a business stand point, person with least technical expertise can do these actions from User Interface.
While performing test actions, monitoring on live metrics from dashboard from user interface makes it interactive, in the sense. There’s provision added to make test actions trigger on/off from the same User interface.
Main feature this solution lags with licensed solution will be the provision to do analytics on the metrics and redirect the direction to perform tuning. From the current state of art, comparison charts , descriptive analytics and automate script building with the least efforts will be the features that we will focus.
Future performance analysis can be based on the predictive models. This solution can be build as a open source customizable product to bring innovations in community platform.